Badge & Achievements

Hey!~ It's time to have a very first (and rough) look at this year's con badge!
Like most other conventions your conbadge consists of the convention's logo, your profile name, and your attendance level (like sponsorship; helper/staff/orga and so on). Sponsors and Super Sponsors get a special frame around their avatar as well!
What makes Wild Times Badges 'special' is the fact that the convention features a full achievement system which carries on to upcoming conventions! Any achievement* you unlock this year will be selectable at future conventions!
Here's a list of all current achievements. The borders of your profile picture and achievements are based on the level of attendance. For example: If you unlock the "Early Bird" Achievement as a SuperSponsor it will have a different border around it than the one for regular attendees or sponsors.
Border Overview
Borders go around your avatar and every achievement you unlock in 2019. This means that achievements you unlock this year and equip in later years will keep their border from 2019 (displaying your sponsor level of this year!).
Non-Attending Border - 2019
This border is only available to people who contribute to the convention (e.g. virtual staff; artists) but cannot attend this year's convention.
Attendee Border - 2019
This border is the default border and is unlocked by attending Wild Times 2019.
Sponsor Border - 2019
This border is only available to our sponsors.
Super Sponsor Border - 2019
This border is only available to our super sponsors.
Achievement Overview
Attendee - 2019
Automatically unlocked by attending Wild Times Convention 2019.
Early Bird - 2019
Unlocked by paying confee by 05.06.2019.
This Achievement can no longer be unlocked.
Refer a Friend - 2019
Unlocked by refering someone (or more) as an attendee for Wild Times Convention.
Referred attendee must have paid their confee and mention you as the referring person. Only the referring person can unlock this achievement.
T-Shirt - 2019
Unlocked by ordering the con shirt by 31.08.2019.
This Achievement can no longer be unlocked.
Fursuiter - 2019
Unlocked by being a Fursuiter at Wild Times.
Super Animal Royale - 2019
Unlocked by reaching Level 6 in Super Animal Royale.
Super Smash Bros. - 2019
Unlocked by participating in the Super Smash Bros. Tournament.
Artist - 2019
Unlocked by contributing art (and other crafts) to the Wild Times Convention.
You can unlock this achievement without attending the convention! It will still be featured on future con badges!
Panel Host - 2019
Unlocked by hosting an official panel at Wild Times Convention.
Dealer's Den - 2019
Unlocked by being a dealer in the Dealer's Den.
Helper - 2019
Unlocked by being a contributing member of the Helper team.
Staff - 2019
Unlocked by being a contributing member of the Staff team.
Orga - 2019
Unlocked by being a contributing member of the Orga team.
*Restrictions may apply. All achievements can be revoked at the discretion of the Orga team (Such as if someone does not fulfill their duties by failing to show up or not participating).